Saturday, December 8, 2012

Cooking Sobaheg and Comparing Pilgrims on the Wampanoags

We are deep in our study of the Wampanoag and the Pilgrims.  Last week we cut up squash from our school garden and cooked it into a stew with cornmeal called sobaheg.  This is a traditional Wampanoag stew made from wild game and cornmeal.  We left the meat out to satisfy the vegetarians in the class.

We also made cornmeal with blueberries.  Several students said we should tell the kitchen to cook this food for school lunch!

We watched a movie and read information from the Plimoth Plantation website to gather information on the lifestyle of the Pilgrims and the Wampanoags back in 1621.  Then we took those notes and used them to write a paragraph comparing and contrasting the two groups.