Thursday, September 26, 2013

Another Pattern Block Pattern

by Anna and Ava

West Brattleboro Field Trip

Our field trip yesterday was a great success.  I think that many students were skeptical at first about this being a "real" field trip, but in fact we were doing some real field work to learn about our neighborhood. 

We walked down Western Avenue just past the post office and then turned around to come back to school.  Our goal was to find out what types of businesses and other buildings there are near Academy School.  Students worked with a partner to record what they saw as we went along.  Back at school, we cut out the data and sorted into different categories:

1.  stores that help with our needs and those that help with our wants
2.  stores that provide goods vs. those that provide services

Many students were surprised that there were so many services near our school.  They also wished that there were more restaurants and an ice cream shop. An important discussion ensued as to whether Disney World would be a nice addition to our neighborhood.  Most people decided that it would be unfair to displace all the existing businesses and that the noise from a park like Disney World would be disruptive to all the people living nearby.

Pattern Blocks at Choice Time

Each week we have a little bit of quiet work time.  This is a chance for students to finish any incomplete work from the week.  If they are done with their work, they can choose a quiet choice.  Here's a pattern block beehive created by three third graders last week during choice time.  See if you can find three bees in the hive.

How to Work With a Partner

Welcome to third grade!!!

We will do lots of work with partners this year.  Students are using this rubric to learn how to have a good conversation about their work.