Thursday, April 10, 2014

The Gods of Ancient Egypt

Nut was one of the most important goddesses in ancient Egypt. Nut is the goddesses of the sky. She is a woman with stars on her clothes held up by her father Shu. Nut is the twin and wife of Geb the Earth god. She has four children. At night she swallows the sun god Ra and gives birth to him in the morning. Nuts fingers and toes touch the four directions. When a pharaoh dies he is said to enter her body. Nut had lots of responsibilities in ancient Egypt.
        by Ava

Anubis is a god of ancient Egypt. Anubis is the the god of embalming. He carried an ankh which represented life. Anubis is related to Ra, Horus, Horakhty, Amun, Tawaret, Sekhemt, Atum, Khepri, Sobek, and Baset and many others. Anubis guards dead people and their tombs and he washes their organs. Anubis is a important god in ancient Egypt.
      by Liam

Horus is one of the gods of Egypt.  Horus is a man with the head of a hawk.  The eye of Horus cures diseases.  Horus is the falcon-headed sky god.  Horus is related to Isis and Osiris.  I really think that Horus is very impressive.
     by Calvin

Sekhmet, not to be confused with Nekhbet, was the goddess of war in ancient Egypt.  She appeared as a woman with a lioness head.  It is said she could spread diseases out but Sekhmet was also the goddess of healing.  Ra sent her to kill mortals plotting against him.  However, she liked her job so much she slew almost all humanity.  The other gods tricked her into drinking so much beer that Sekhmet slept instead of killing the innocent.  Sekhmet was a very interesting goddess.
     by Anna